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martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011

Activate Your Longevity Genes: Five Natural Compounds Simulate Caloric Restriction

       By Julius Goepp, MD
Activate Your Longevity Genes Five Natural Compounds Simulate Caloric Restriction
The most scientifically validated way to extend life span—from single-celled organisms to mammals—is caloric restriction.1 This technique has been shown to boost life span by nearly 100% in some species.2
Reducing the number of ingested calories—while maintaining healthy intake of essential nutrients—triggers a cascade of anti-aging mechanisms in the body. More than 70 years of research have established its life-extending power.3
Modern science has only recently begun to unravel the mystery behind how calorie restriction so radically extends life span. At its core lies favorable alterations in gene expression—one of the body’s adaptive responses to reduced calorie intake. By activating certain genes and disabling others, caloric restriction dramatically slows aging.
This retardation of aging delays the onset of degenerative disease while improving biomarkers of youth, ranging from metabolic rate and insulin sensitivity to cardiac health and cognitive function.4
By the same token, the consequences of caloric overconsumption are equally profound. Every excess calorie brings you one step closer to age-related illness and death.
This is true at any stage of life, whether you’re lean or overweight, regardless of your health or nutritional status.5-7
Eating more than your body needs (excessive energy intake) can load the blood with triglycerides, glucose, homocysteine, and pro-inflammatory chemicals. The results are accelerated aging processes, prompting deterioration across multiple biomarkers of health.8
Most humans find it difficult to submit to a sufficiently rigorous dietary regimen, leaving the benefits of calorie restriction tantalizingly out of reach. Until now!
In this article you will discover the most compelling evidence to date on the effects of caloric restriction. In a milestone 20-year study of Rhesus monkeys—our close genetic relatives—a modestly restricted diet resulted in a three-fold reduction in the risk of age-related disease!9
You will also learn about five natural compounds that favorably modulate gene expression to support a more youthful health profile. These “caloric restriction mimics” simulate many of the beneficial effects of caloric restriction through multiple pathways.
Aging individuals may now enjoy some of the youth-promoting, disease-fighting mechanisms of caloric restriction—without strict dietary measures.

A Milestone in Longevity Research

In 1989, a group of anti-aging researchers launched what would prove to be the most comprehensive study of caloric restriction (CR) to date.10 Rhesus monkeys were chosen as subjects because they exhibit biological and aging characteristics strikingly similar to humans. The results, published in 2009 in the prestigious journal Science,9 provide compelling evidence of CR’s age-delaying, disease-fighting power.
The monkeys were split into two groups. Half were allowed to eat naturally, without restraint; the other half subsisted on a nutrient-replete diet 30% lower in total calories than they would normally consume. After 20 years, 37% of controls had died of age-related causes, as opposed to just 13% in the calorie-restricted group. In other words, caloric restriction cut degenerative disease risk by a factor of three.9
This study’s findings are even more tantalizing when one sees that it did not require severe lowering of calorie intake to produce these striking results. Americans typically consume 100% more calories than they need. It only required a calorie reduction of 30% to achieve the remarkable benefits in this study.
The Rhesus monkey study also conclusively demonstrated caloric restriction’s protective power. Over the course of 20 years, virtually all measured biomarkers of health were superior in the CR group.9
These findings have profound implications for humans. Rhesus monkeys are as vulnerable to chronic, age-related disease as we are. They lose their strength over time. Many become obese, fall prey to metabolic syndrome, and succumb to diabetes. They develop cardiovascular disease and cancer. And like aging humans, their brains shrink as they get older.
Yet among the calorie-restricted group, incidence of cardiovascular disease was half the rate of­controls. Not one member exhibited any symptoms of impaired glucose control or diabetes, whereas 40% of monkeys who ate as much as they wanted had become diabetic or pre-diabetic.9
Calorie-restricted monkeys lost fat weight, but did not sustain loss of muscle mass observed in the control group. CR also inhibited reduction in brain volume, especially in areas governing cognitive and motor function.9
The robust health of the CR group compared to controls is clearly evident in photographs of the monkeys from the control and CR groups.9 (See figure 1 below.)

Benefits of Calorie Restriction in Humans

A Milestone in Longevity Research
Figure 1. Appearance of Rhesus monkeys in
old age (approximately 27.6 years). A and B
show a typical control animal. C and D show
an age-matched calorically restricted animal.9
All available data indicate that calorie restriction also slows aging and reduces the risk of killer diseases in humans as well. Individuals who impose a 20% reduction in their calorie consumption for 2-6 years lose fat weight and show significant improvement in their markers of aging, including blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and glucose control.11
Even brief periods of caloric restriction can temporarily improve core body temperature and insulin sensitivity, which happen to be markers of longevity.11,12 In clinical studies, short intervals of caloric restriction have reduced systemic inflammation—an underlying factor of so many chronic, degenerative diseases.
More youthful heart muscle performance13 has also been observed—caloric restriction appears to increase the number of vital energy-producing mitochondria in heart and skeletal muscle, reducing the oxidative damage that accelerates aging.14-16
No other intervention documented in the scientific literature can compete with caloric restriction as a candidate for slowing aging and supporting youthful health in humans.
It is regrettable that most aging individuals don’t lower calorie intake by the 20-30% reduction required to reap the benefits of caloric restriction, as it can dramatically lower disease risk and add years to their lives.

Caloric Restriction “Mimics” and Gene Expression

The problem many people have in sufficiently reducing their calorie intake has led to a novel scientific solution.
Researchers have identified a select group of nutrients that trigger many of the same underlying mechanisms of action as caloric restriction. Among the most promising of these caloric restriction mimics and enhancers are resveratrol, pterostilbene, quercetin, and grape seed extract, along with black tea extract. These nutraceuticals have been shown to generate many of the same effects in the body as caloric restriction, without significant dietary modification. In particular, they “mimic” caloric restriction’s favorable impact on genes that influence the aging process.
Genes have the capacity to directly affect life span by regulating a broad spectrum of aging factors, from inflammation and metabolic function to immune response. Calorie restriction exerts a beneficial effect on the activity of gene expression, supporting healthy cellular function through numerous physiological pathways. This includes:
  • Blocking inflammatory factors
  • Optimizing fat and carbohydrate metabolism
  • Lowering serum glucose
  • Supporting endothelial function
  • Inhibiting cancer development and proliferation
Compounds that mimic caloric restriction bring about favorable changes in gene expression and improve the primary biomarkers of aging.
What You Need to Know: Caloric Restriction
What You Need to Know: Caloric Restriction
Excessive caloric intake is strongly associated with the onset of degenerative disease and shorter life span.
Research shows that calorie restriction (CR) can extend life span and afford significant protection against age-related disease in many animal species.
A landmark 20-year study demonstrated that caloric restriction powerfully counters the effects of aging in primates closely related to humans. CR produced a three-fold reduction in mortality from age-related conditions.
A caloric restriction regimen strict enough to yield these benefits is difficult or impractical for most people.
Nutrients known as “caloric restriction mimics” (or mimetics) afford a novel scientific solution. Working in tandem, their biomolecular action exerts similar effects on gene expression, providing the benefits of CR without severe dietary modification.
Resveratrol, pterostilbene, quercetin, and extracts of grape seed rank among the most promising of CR mimics, while the polyphenols in black tea support these metabolic effects. Research shows that they powerfully inhibit systemic inflammation, enhance mitochondrial health, prevent cancer, and protect brain and heart tissue from age-related deterioration.

Controlling Nuclear Factor-Kappa B

Calorie restriction sharply limits expression of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB). In the cells, NF-kB is a critical gene regulator that governs response to pro-inflammatory cytokines, free radicals, cholesterol levels, immune function, and cancer prevention.17-24
The nutrients that mimic caloric restriction also act to stabilize NF-kB regulation and help combat the age-related conditions associated with unfavorable NF-kB activity.
Resveratrol activates sirtuins,25 a powerful family of “information regulator” proteins that inhibit NF-kB, reducing inflammation throughout the body, such as that caused by second-hand cigarette smoke.24 Resveratrol also prevents inflammatory mast cells from releasing the histamines that trigger asthma and allergic reactions.26
Resveratrol radically decreases production of the adhesion molecules that attract inflammatory cells to vascular walls, one of the principal mechanisms of atherosclerosis.27,28 Adhesion molecules also permit cancer cells to invade tissue and metastasize. Resveratrol’s influence over NF-kB has also enhanced beneficial UV-induced programmed cell death (apoptosis) in skin cancer cells.29
Found in blueberries, pterostilbene is a polyphenol closely related to resveratrol.30 It limits NF-kB activity through multiple complementary mechanisms.31 In vitro, pterostilbene suppresses invasive tumor activity and enhances therapeutic destruction of cancer cells.32,33
Quercetin’s ability to protect against chronic inflammatory conditions such as asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, and arthritis is due in part to its capacity for NF-kB inhibition.34,35
Grape seed extract also disrupts cellular inflammation signaling by blocking NF-kB.36 Its effect on pro-inflammatory cytokine production in fat cells may even help combat obesity and type 2 diabetes.37
Black tea extract’s influence on NF-kB activity has been shown to specifically protect cells from damage associated with inflammation,38 cancer,39,40 Parkinson’s disease,41 and stroke.42

Suppressing Inflammatory Cytokines

Caloric restriction inhibits expression of genes that produce inflammatory cytokines—such as interleukins and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), as well as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)—that are powerfully implicated in the onset of cancer, atherosclerosis, and chronic inflammation.43-46
Resveratrol and pterostilbene block the release of a host of inflammatory cytokines and enzymes found throughout the body—particularly tissues and organs stressed by environmental factors, infection, or trauma.22,47,48 Pterostilbene powerfully suppresses the expression of inflammatory COX-2,31,49 helping lower the risk of cancer as well as a host of inflammatory diseases.50,51
Quercetin inhibits the COX-2 enzyme involved in early-stage colon cancer, and suppresses numerous cytokines involved in allergies and autoimmune disorders.34,35,53
Grape seed extract specifically prevents fatty tissue from releasing inflammatory cytokines and adipokines that would otherwise provoke insulin resistance and atherosclerosis associated with metabolic syndrome.37 By downregulating reactive cytokines, grape seed extract has been shown in animals to protect organs from ischemia-reperfusion damage (injury caused by the return of blood flow after a period of restriction).54
Black tea extract reduces levels of STAT-1, a protein which “tells” the cell nucleus to activate genes that produce inflammatory cytokines.55

Cancer Prevention

Calorie restriction (CR) upregulates genes that suppress cancer and downregulates genes that permit cancers to form or spread. CR prevents cancer cell reproduction and proliferation, while inhibiting the blood vessel growth cancer cells require to develop and metastasize.46,56-62
Enhanced Glucose Control
Resveratrol and pterostilbene mirror these effects. They combat cancer at every stage of development, inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death) in a variety of human cancer types, while preserving healthy cells.32,63-66 Resveratrol also suppresses cancer proliferation by modulating expression of proteins involved in the reproductive cycle of abnormal cells.67,68
Quercetin activates “executioner” proteins while inhibiting survival proteins in human cancer cells, blocking their reproduction.69-71 Quercetin and resveratrol have also been shown to block the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), an effect that may help starve tumors of their blood supply.72
Grape seed extract induces expression of a protein that arrests cancer cells early in their reproductive cycle, preventing further development and destroying them.73 Similar to quercetin, grape seed extract fights angiogenesis by suppressing the VEGF signaling pathway.74
Black tea extract reduces expression of genes that cancer cells use to proliferate, survive, infiltrate healthy tissue, supply themselves with blood, and metastasize to other organs.75 It has also been shown to upregulate expression of proteins that arrest the cell reproductive cycle and induce cellular death specifically in cancers.76

Enhanced Glucose Control

Caloric restriction enhances glucose control.77,78 Recall that not one of the Rhesus monkeys in the study discussed earlier developed diabetes or exhibited symptoms of impaired glucose control.9 Caloric restriction triggers gene regulators called peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), a class of proteins responsible for healthy fat and carbohydrate metabolism. They also play key roles in optimizing mitochondrial health57,59 and thwarting the onset of metabolic syndrome and diabetes.79
Resveratrol80 and pterostilbene81,82 upregulate the production and activity of PPAR, launching a set of cellular processes that support a youthful metabolic profile. The PPAR activator resveratrol has been shown to:
  • Prevent fat cells from absorbing sugar and converting it to fat83
  • Reduce inflammation and insulin resistance in fat cells84
  • Boost mitochondrial function 85
Grape seed extract modulates a different set of PPARs that regulate fat storage. Grape seed extract induces fat metabolism while inhibiting the development of new fat cells.86.87 It also protects endothelial cells by preventing the inflammatory response to proteins damaged by glucose (the age-accelerating process known as glycation).88
Resveratrol further exerts a favorable influence on blood sugar metabolism at the cellular level, reducing glucose production in liver cells in a way that mimics prolonged calorie restriction.89 In diabetic animals, resveratrol has been shown to help restore blood sugar to normal by modulating the activity of several enzymes involved in sugar metabolism.90
Pterostilbene and grape seed extract generate similar beneficial changes that help promote healthy blood sugar levels.91,92 Grape seed extract activates genes that trigger glucose uptake. This assists cells in the absorption and removal of glucose from circulation.92
Quercetin has been shown to stimulate the proliferation of pancreatic cells that help modulate blood glucose levels in both diabetic and non-diabetic animal models.93 It also markedly reduces expression of the enzyme that produces sorbitol, a sugar alcohol known to cause cataracts and blindess.94
Black tea extract polyphenols inhibit lipase,95 an enzyme that breaks down fat in the stomach and small intestines. This helps block absorption of fat into the bloodstream.96
In animal models, the theaflavins in black tea extract prevent after-meal elevations in blood glucose and may protect against the metabolic syndrome.97,98 This effect may help increase signaling for a powerful longevity factor called FOXO1a.99


Caloric restriction (CR) is the most scientifically validated method shown to reliably extend life span in multiple species, from microorganisms to mammals.
A milestone 20-year study provides the most conclusive evidence to date of its efficacy in Rhesus monkeys, our close genetic relatives. The discovery of calorie restriction-mimicking nutrients makes it possible for aging humans to emulate some of CR’s beneficial mechanisms of action, especially as an adjunct to modestly reducing one’s overall calorie intake.100 The unique ability of these nutrients to modulate gene expression exerts system-wide effects that, in addition to influencing many of the same pathways activated by calorie restriction, can also significantly reduce degenerative disease risk.
If you have any questions on the scientific content of this article, please call a Life Extension® Health Advisor at 1-866-864-3027.

Health Concerns

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011

The Age of Regenerative Medicine: How to Heal Faster- Megan Erickson on November 12, 2011

What's the Big Idea?
In most species, the body of an organism loses its innate ability to heal over time (salamanders are a notable exception). While a kid can skin her knee and not even remember it two days later, an adult might feel the effects for weeks. But what do we really know about aging? asks Douglas Melton in his Floating University lecture. Does the passage of time necessarily bring about an inevitable decline in physical stamina and recovery? Or might science be able to increase the quality, as well as the quantity, of our years?

A biologist and  founding member of the International Society for Stem Cell Research, Melton hopes to find a way to make old cells young again. "All of the cells in your body have an amazing potential,” he says. “Imagine a time when you might go to your doctor and she would say, 'your liver is looking a little tired,' or 'your muscles are not repairing well' or 'your bone isn’t as strong as it could be, but don’t worry, we have some stem cells that we’ve taken from you when you were a bit younger. We’re going to put those in, top you up, and you’re going to be good as new.'”
In an experiment he calls "The Fountain of Youth Experiment," two parabiotic mice - one young and one old - share a bloodstream. ("They’re really quite happy," says Melton. "They continue to live a long life and run around in the cage and eat and play as they normally would.") When a muscle is injured in the old mouse, it is repaired at the same rate as if the mouse were young.
The experiment demonstrates that there's nothing ephemeral or intangible about youth. Clearly, something particular to young blood is responsible for the increased rate of repair, and if biologists can figure out what it is, the effects of aging may become entirely preventable; perhaps even beatable.
What's the Significance?
Youth has been called "a form of chemical madness,” and now scientists are now learning that old age is, too. If reproductive hormones can be controlled, perhaps biologists can create therapies to delay the onset of frailty and poor health. Last week, researchers at the Mayo Clinic discovered a new type of cell which plays a large role in the aging process.
Senescent cells accumulate in aging tissue and cause inflammation. When researchers found a way to rid the body of such cells in mice, the mice showed less signs of deterioration over time. "The findings raise the prospect that any therapy that rids the body of senescent cells would protect it from the ravages of aging," says the New York Times.
We're living in what Dr. Melton sees as a new era of medicine based in regenerative biology: "It starts from the fact, the amazing fact, that all of the cells in the body have this potential to make other kinds of cells. This has led to the discovery of human embryonic stem cells and other stem cells, which we’d now like to use to replace tissue and body parts." The result will be healthier aging, "where we’re not trying to fix you because you’ve had some disease or injury, but rather [to] replenish your body to maintain its young and vibrant state."
To subscribe to the Floating University course "Great Big Ideas," click here.
Image courtesy of Shutterstock.
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Como sería la Humanidad si fueramos Inmortales?

Modelo de computadora revela lo que sucedería si fuéramos inmortales; al parecer la naturaleza mortal del ser humano es en realidad una herramienta evolutiva y no una condena biológica.
A lo largo de la historia el ser humano ha coqueteado, invariablemente, con la idea de la inmortalidad. Este arquetípico deseo ha sido perseguido durante siglos a través de diferentes “sistemas de realidad”, desde múltiples ramas de la ciencia, como la bioquímica o la medicina, hasta corrientes mágicas y disciplinas espirituales. De algún modo la inmortalidad ha sido proyectada por la psique colectiva como un épico recinto en el cual muchos desearían reposar (aunque paradójicamente tal vez no haya algo más alejado de la tranquilidad que la certera ausencia de muerte).
El lado positivo de está búsqueda por hackear la condición mortal del hombre es que se ha traducido en un vivo reto que ha impulsado innumerables avances tecnológicos en la medicina. Sobra decir que gracias a estos avances las expectativas de vida se han multiplicado en los últimos tres siglos, tendencia que aparentemente podría continuar e incluso acelerarse en los años por venir. Sin embargo, no deja de llamar la atención algo que mencionamos en una nota titulada Farmacoinmortalidad: píldoras para vivir 100 años, que consiste en comprobar «que las personas más longevas, quizá como casos aislados y no como estándares, habitan en condiciones rurales, lejos del maremágnum de estímulos y técnicas consideradas como de mayor desarrollo. Es decir, existen casos en pequeños poblados de Japón, la India o México en donde la longevidad de algunos de sus habitantes supera la de aquellos que tienen acceso a los “mejores” tratamientos, sofisticadas dietas y modernos hospitales».
Pero en este artículo, más que debatir entre cuáles podrían ser las rutas más efectivas para conseguir ese idílico y anti-natural estado que consiste en eludir, perennemente, la muerte, nos gustaría plantear una interrogante distinta: ¿Es la inmortalidad realmente un estado deseable? Y al postular esta pregunta no necesariamente estamos proponiendo un debate en torno a los efectos psicológicos, éticos o emocionales que ser inmortal pudiese implicar. Más bien trataremos de abordar este potencial fenómeno, la no-muerte, desde una perspectiva socioevolutiva.
Con el fin de evaluar las consecuencias socio-funcionales de la abolición del envejecimiento, y por lo tanto de la muerte, Andre Martin, investigador de la Universidad de Sao Paulo, desarrolló un modelo de computadora que busca predecir lo que ocurriría con dos grupos sociales, uno mortal y otro inmortal. Ambos grupos fueron insertados en un entorno expuesto a constantes cambios medioambientales y posteriormente corrió una serie de simulaciones para analizar, comparativamente, el desarrollo de ambos.
Muchos asumiríamos, al menos tomando en cuenta a cada persona inmortal individualmente, que aquel grupo compuesto por seres indefinidamente saludables, y el cual no tendría que preocuparse por un sector de la población enfermo o envejecido, tendría un mejor desempeño colectivo que el otro. Pero luego del paso de varias generaciones, tiempo durante el cual el grupo de los mortales tuvo que reproducirse permanentemente, intermezclándose y renovándose para adaptare a los constantes cambios del medioambiente y así sobrevivir, este grupo eventualmente terminó dominando a los inmortales, quienes se habían plácidamente estacionado en un estado en el que, si bien su conocimiento iba avanzando por su viva capacidad de almacenar información, lo cierto es que habían perdido una guía esencial para caminar paralelamente a la evolución del entorno: la posibilidad de la muerte. Además, el sector inmortal fue demostrando, con el paso del tiempo, una mayor torpeza para adaptarse a las condiciones cambiantes y ni siquiera tenía acceso a la posibilidad biológica de reemplazar a los individuos peor adaptados.
Si bien este ejercicio no puede considerarse una prueba concreta de que la inmortalidad traería consecuencias negativas al destino de nuestra raza, por estar basada en simulaciones, tiene que ver con uno de los mayores detonantes de la errante condición humana: una especie de ansiedad existencial que se traduce en desear beneficios inmediatos o aún a corto plazo, ante la incapacidad, ciertamente egoísta, de visualizar las posibles causas y efectos desde una perspectiva transgeneracional. Es decir, que si bien la inmortalidad pudiese presentarse como una ambición personal o grupal, proyectada como un estado de perfeccionamiento biológico, lo cierto es que con el transcurso del tiempo, décadas o tal vez siglos, esta y no la naturaleza mortal del ser humano terminaría confirmándose como una franca condena evolutiva.
Pero además de esta torpe visión a corto plazo, en la cual sistemáticamente caemos muchos, tal vez el deseo de inmortalidad también gira en torno a otro “pecado”: el antropocentrismo. En este sentido, el hecho de únicamente tomar en cuenta la línea de desarrollo de la raza humana, sin considerar como un agente determinante el resto de las fuerzas que convergen en nuestro medio ambiente y las cuales, por cierto, son esencialmente perecederas, se desdobla en una construcción poco precisa de lo que pudiese ser nuestro futuro. Si en un pronóstico de las consecuencias que pudiese implicar una sociedad inmortal no se toman en cuenta, como factores fundamentales, los cambios permanentes en el entorno, entonces podríamos, erróneamente, pensar que sería un estado ideal.
En síntesis, y remitiéndonos a la sabiduría popular, esa viva hebra que, a diferencia de nuestros cuerpos, sí trasciende las barreras generacionales, parece que la moraleja que obtenemos del ejercicio del investigador Andre Martin se resume en aquel refrán que reza: “ten cuidado con lo que deseas, pues bien se te podría cumplir”.

martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

11:11:11 channeled poem from Dianne Robbins‏

I must say
Your numbers have sure
Paved the way

11:11:11 is the Gateway to Heaven
And so we now begin our climb
To a love so sublime

Where we will turn a whole new page
Moving us in, to the 7th Golden Age

The Elevens will carry us through the wind
Until the veils are very thin

Then we will ride along the tide
To find ourselves right inside

The 5th Dimension, where we will see
The opening to Eternity

We will see and we will feel
Every thing, that is real

Not just to our eyes, but what’s been hidden in disguise
And all that exists beyond our skies

All will be revealed
And we will surely feel
The Universe inside our heart
Where we will never, again depart

Returning to the heart
Will give us all a new start

Knowing for a certainty
That love is for Eternity

It is all there is, and ever was
It was only us, who chose to judge
And disconnect from our souls
Resulting in, our growing old

It was just a game, there is no blame
And now we’ve reconnected
To our Heart Flame

Never to leave, but only achieve
Our immortality

And as we believe and hold our faith
The Seventh Golden Age will only take

But a moment in time, and as we climb,
We will find, that all there is, is in our mind
We are the Divine

United and merged
The past all purged

We will find ourselves aligned
With all there is, and even more
As our hearts will surely soar
And our love will pour
To our own I AM PRESENCE
Our true soul essence

We are the replication
Of the infinite I AM PRESENCE of our Universe,
And yet we are very diverse

The 7th Golden Age, will be quite the rage"

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Humans Will See A Dramatic Change In Our Cellular Structure Over The Next Two Years

There is a level of activity currently underway on the sun that has never been witnessed before. An enormous wall of plasma whose collapse could soon trigger one of the largest full halo coronal mass ejections ever recorded. One filament of magnetism alone has been estimated at more than a million kilometers across the face of the sun. This may consequently add to the bombardment of energy waves we have recently been receiving from the sun. Moreover, it would accelerate changes within the cellular structure of humans that are progressing to fourth level density at a phenomenal rate.
Towering over the sun's southeastern horizon as captured above by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, are walls of plasma and filaments of magnetism. You can clearly see a dark filament of magnetism that is snaking more than halfway around the entire sun. From end to end, it stretches more than a million km or about three times the distance between Earth and the Moon. If the filament becomes unstable, as solar filaments are prone to do, it could collapse and hit the stellar surface below, triggering a Hyder flare. "Filaments are formed in magnetic loops that hold relatively cool, dense gas suspended above the surface of the Sun," explains David Hathaway, a solar physicist at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. "Filaments collapse when the magnetic field in their vicinity becomes unstable," explained Hathaway. "This could happen, for example, if new magnetic field lines begin to poke through the Sun's surface beneath the filament." On October 9, 2000, magnetic fields around a sunspot group (9182) suddenly changed their shape, leading to the explosive collapse of a nearby magnetic filament suspended high above the Sun's surface. The collapse triggered a C7-class solar flare and a full halo coronal mass ejection that struck Earth's magnetosphere 3 days later. "If the magnetic filament currently being observed by NASA becomes unstable and collapses, we could be looking at an explosion that would dwarf that of sunspot group 9182 back in 2000," said solar scientist and professor Marshall Daniels. "This would most certainly be an X class flare or one the most powerful of its kind." Active region sunspot 1339 already let go an X class solar flare on November 3, 2011. NASA researchers had announced that the next solar maximum would be the strongest since the historic maximum in 1859. As we approach the solar maximum in 2012, the next 12 to 24 months we'll see a historic and possibly record breaking bombardment of energy waves hitting planet earth. What Will It Mean For Humanity? Please review The 11-11-11 Energy Wave: What Awaits is Empowerment, Embodiment and Liberation and It's Happening! Earth's Energy Grids Are Being Activated for a background and a supplement to the information below. With the sun assistance, there are major changes and mutations underway that have never occurred according to geneticists. Several years ago in Mexico City there was a convention of geneticists from around the world, and the main topic was the DNA change. We are making an evolutionary change, are we now starting to gather more information on what we are changing into. The changes are not known publicly, because the scientific community feels it would frighten the population. However, people are changing at the cellular level. Most people know and feel this. Many religions have talked about the change and know it will come about in different ways. We know it is a positive mutation even though physically, mentally, and emotionally it can be misunderstood and frightening. We are being changed physically from carbon-based beings with 2 strands of DNA into crystalline beings with 1,024 strands of DNA (eventually), because only crystalline substances can exist on higher dimensional levels. It is not just we humans who are changing, but all life forms on Earth are becoming crystalline. All the fish in the sea, the flowers and trees in your garden, the birds in the sky, even your pet dog or cat. Everything is changing. Nothing will die or be destroyed, for we are all moving together into A NEW STATE OF BEING. This new state of being requires therefore that we physically, mentally and emotionally let go of 3rd dimensional concepts. Just as in death, the letting go is a major part of the change process, for one cannot take the old values and way of being into a new completely different afterlife. So the progression through changes compels us to let go of current relationships, jobs, careers, homes, possessions, and so on, if they are unable to support our new way of being. The most important thing to realize is that the transformation, the transition from 3D to 4D, from being a 3D person to being a 4D person...will be a smooth, ‘seamless', painless, process. This experience will be a simple transformation of cellular structure, from the slower, more dense, heavier, existing 3D vibratory rate body we have today -- to a higher, faster, lighter, 4D vibratory rate. We will have bodies that are taller, literally lighter in terms of mass, weight and density...about one tenth (1/10) of what we weigh now. Keep in mind, our body's molecular cellular structure will actually change. Think crystal based molecules. Our existing 3D cell walls will transmute into being crystalline based. Our 4D body, the cellular structure of your 4D body, will be based on crystalline molecules. No longer carbon based, but crystal based. Within the core, the center of each cell will be infused with light. Our 4D bodies will be very translucent. This is a natural 4th dimensional, 4th density state. Everyone will be relatively tall & slim in stature. This is simply the nature of having a body composed of crystalline cellular structure. You will also be 'lighter' in terms of... being infused with light. Not opaque like you are today, not completely translucent, but very translucent. Children will transform as well. But in terms of age appearance, they will continue to develop as young children, into young adults, only now along the adjusted, normal, 'time line' of thousands of years for 4th dimensional people. For most adults who choose to remain on Earth during this time of change, we will look approximately in the 32 -35 year old age range. In terms of height, for a comparison, an average 3D male today at 5'10"...the equivalent 4th dimensional male will be about 7ft tall, this is the average height for a 4D man. A 5'5" - 5'6" 3D Earth woman will likely be about 6'2" living a 4D life. An average 4D Earth man will weigh in Earth terms about: 10-15 pounds. An average 4D Earth woman will weigh about: 5-7 pounds. Everyone will be relatively trim, tall, slim in stature. Again, this is simply due to the nature of having a body composed of crystalline cellular structure. In terms of overall health, 4D Earth humans will be healthy, very healthy, full of light. With our solar system and Earth's migration into the 4th dimensional zone of space, 3D diseases will all be literally eradicated. The way we currently measure time on Earth -- this will change once Earth becomes a completely 4D planet. Watching, measuring, experiencing time... this will virtually go away. Plan for this to completely come into effect by January 2014. Sources: * The 11-11-11 Energy Wave: What Awaits is Empowerment, Embodiment and Liberation * It's Happening! Earth's Energy Grids Are Being Activated * Are We Physically Changing Our DNA Beyond Our Current Density? * Solar Activity is Ushering in The Age of Empowerment * How Solar Activity Is Influencing Human Consciousness Reference Sources Share/Bookmark

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011


DEL ADN CARBONO 666 AL ADN SILICIO-CRISTICO Lunes 2 de mayo de 2011 por Sameshing AMAD@: Como sabes los seres humanos cuentan con un ADN en base Carbono 666, y que en esta época es posible modificar ese ADN base carbono en ADN base Silicio (cistalino-cristico). Para ello si cuentas con una preparación energetica-vibratoria como la que otorga el sistema 40 días la Inmortalidad al Alcance de la Mano o similar, puedes si quieres hacer un pequeño trabajo para acceder al ADN base silicio. Para ello necesitarás tres días, el primero será de adaptación, para ello ese dia es recomendable solo ingerir líquidos, (agua, zumos naturales, te). El segundo día previa conexión con nuestra amada GAIA, se activan los guantes de REPULSION más los guantes Llama Rayo Violeta y se trabaja con ellos durante 8 horas aproximadamente, dejando que por tus manos y resto del cuerpo vaya saliendo la energía de baja vibración (puedes hacer dos turnos de 4 horas) solo se beben líquidos en todo el día. El tercer día se contecta con GAIA nuevamente y te colocas un cristal de cuarzo transparente a la altura del Timo. Aquí trabajamos con guantes de Atracción de Energías de Alta Vibración para atraer, integrar y activar en el físico el ADN, cristalino-base silicio, este trabajo dura aproximadamente 5 horas, en el transcurso de las cuales puedes notar frio y calor simultáneamente, tambien puedes recibir mensajes de nuestra amada GAIA e incluso del propio cristal. Para personas que les puede costar hacer esto solas, estoy preparando en España un encuentro taller de fin de semana enfocado exclusivamente a este fin. CON AMOR INMORTAL SAMESHING ABRAXASJMG OMNINOMBRE REGENTE PLANETARIO

Los Neurotransmisores: Camino a la Inmortalidad FIsica el cuerpo existen diferentes sustancias químicas llamadas neurotransmisores las cuales sirven para lubricar las comunicaciones entre neuronas. Estas sustancias son segregadas bajo estados de ánimo específicos y a su vez, un estado de ánimo específico genera un neurotransmisor, de esta forma se crean adicciones constructivos o destructivos. Un ser que está acostumbrado a un neurotransmisor, propiciará de forma inconsciente el estado de ánimo que genere esta sustancia. Revisemos algunas de ellas. Un adicto a la serotonina buscará un estado apasionado, de euforia o nostalgia. La serotonina puede ser encontrada en personas celosas, dramáticos, melancólicas que generalmente saltan de un estado de ánimo al otro. También en el grupo de los químicos nocivos, encontramos a los esteroides, sustancias toxicas generadas por el cuerpo en problemas graves y depresiones. Se encuentran en los seres con problemas graves, depresiones crónicas o sujetos a mucho estrés. Para aquellos que gustan de echar una ‘canita al aire’, lamento confirmarles que son adictos a la adrenalina y que esta sustancia también es nociva, pues al igual que los esteroides y la serotonina, generan un gran desgaste al cuerpo. Ahora pasemos a las sustancias benéficas. En este grupo tenemos a las endorfinas, estas son responsables de los estados de calma, alegría y la sensación de enamoramiento (mariposas en el estomago), se encuentran por montón en los enamorados, los positivistas y sobre todo los deportistas. Otro neurotransmisor que por cierto es el mejor de los conocidos es la oxitocina, la cual se libera durante el embarazo. Esta sustancia es responsable del amor verdadero y por tanto también se encuentra en una persona que experimenta amor incondicional por algún ser humano (para saber si tienes oxitocina en tu sistema, piensa por cuantas personas estarías dispuesto a dar tu vida, entre más gente ennumeres, mas oxitocina tienes). Ahora explico las razones por las que morimos. Después de los 32 años el ser humano alcanza la cúspide de su desarrollo físico y la posibilidad de reprogramar a las neuronas se vuelve más lejana, sobre todo cuando el ejercicio mental y el aprendizaje constante no está presente. Para explicar esto pondré el siguiente ejemplo: Supongamos que un individuo que tiene unos 40 años posee 70% de sus conexiones neuronales dedicadas a generar setonina, 5% a generar esteriodes, 5% a generar adrenalina, 10% a generar endorfinas y 10% a generar oxitocina. Como el 80% de sus conexiones se dedican a envenenar a su cuerpo y solo el 20% a limpiarlo, entonces como resultado el cuerpo muere, porque recibe más veneno que oxigeno. Ahora se entiende porque morimos. El iluminado Ramtha (ser canalizado por JZNight) asegura que si una persona aprende a vivir en el eterno presente, es decir, si antes de los 32 años el cuerpo genera en un 100% oxitocina (solo amor incondicional) , libre de sustancias toxicas, no tiene razón alguna para deteriorarse y por tanto no envejece. La inmortalidad require un paso mas. Una vez que el ser humano ha aprendio a no deteriorarse, deberá imitar un patron divino, es decir, su cuerpo deberá exponerse a frecuencias muy altas procedentes de maestros ascendidos con el fin de activar los genes crísticos que posee (estos genes estan en el ADN latentes y fueron regalados por los Maestros Ascendidos a la humanidad). Esto solo es posible a través del extasis (comunicación directa con la Divina Presencia a través de un maestro ascendido). Una vez que los genes crísticos son activados, el cerebro segrega un nuevo neurotransmitor capaz de mantener el cuerpo físico funcionando por tiempo indefinido (usualmente hasta que acaba la misión del nuevo maestro y este asciende glorioso al siguiente nivel de desarrollo). Ahora tienes razones de sobra para bucar amar antes que ser amado. Que esta información te de el impulso que necesitas para crearte mañanas mas felices. Con todo mi amor. Mucha Luz, Paz y Amor. Publicado por Paola Neri el 10 September 2008 a las 20:25 en INGRESO A LA QUINTA DIMENSIÓN - COMANDOS ESTELARES www.ninosdelsol. group/portalorio nis888activacion ycalibracion Gracias a Adriana R. por la difusion de este informe.

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2011

domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011

viernes, 29 de julio de 2011

3 Critical Steps to Fight Aging

3 Critical Steps to Fight Aging

3 Critical Steps to Fight Aging

Weight training supports anti-agingAge isn’t just a state of mind even though I still feel like I’m in my 20′s. The fact is that our body is changing rapidly as we grow older, and one of the common signs of aging is a decline in muscle mass. You may not realize it, but at age 60, the rate at which this decline known as sarcopenia almost doubles and the decline continues from there.
It’s simple…your energy levels decrease. Your basal metabolic rate (the number of calories your body needs just to function) slows and your metabolism bottoms out. All of this can lead to muscular and skeletal weakness. That’s when you start to see falls that can be fatal.

There are 3 Critical Steps to Fight Aging

Step 1: Adopt a Strength Training Program

We don’t need you to be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger, but you do need to actively engage in a workout routine that includes aerobics, flexibility, and weight training. Studies have shown that weight/strength training not only preserves muscle strength, but reverses the loss.
Your workout should include aerobic exercises such as:
  • Running
  • Stationary bike
  • Brisk walking
Also include some strength training like:
  • Weight training
  • Swimming
  • Hiking
  • Resistance with Bands
  • Stair Climbing

Step 2: Eat Quality Protein

Muscles grow and repair when well supplied with the proper amino acids for making protein.  Branched chain amino acids such as isoleucine, leucine and valine. Leucine is the most potent trigger for protein synthesis.  In fact, diets rich in leucine have been shown to induce muscle growth in young adults.
Not all proteins are created equal AND when you consume them makes a difference as well.  Studies show that whey protein actually absorbs better than casein protein.  Whey protein is rich in leucine which makes it Mother Nature’s most effective source for promoting muscle.
Taking whey protein after physical activity, studies have shown that the protein synthesis doubles as compared to other sources of protein that are lower in leucine.  Newest research presented at  in April at Experimental Biology 2010 showed that the key time to synthesize muscle occurs when you have at least 20 grams of protein at breakfast!

Step 3: Get Enough Vitamin D and CoQ10 Every Day

Most of us are deficient in Vitamin D and that deficiency has actually increased since we become more cautious of sun exposure because of the risks of skin cancer. Now, I’m not saying go out and fry yourself so you get enough Vitamin D. However, you can increase your levels of Vitamin D by practicing safe sun exposure and supplementation. Studies have linked high levels of vitamin D in women with less fat in their muscles. For the elderly, Vitamin D has been associated with larger muscles and increased physical function.
CoQ10 is the other age fighter! This nutrient is vital to energy production in every single cell of the body including muscles and the heart. The body naturally produces CoQ10, however as we age the amount declines. Reach age 60, and levels of CoQ10 can decrease as much as 50% of what they were in the mid-twenties. Getting enough CoQ10 supports enough energy for performing daily physical activity.
For more information:
Are you losing muscle as you age?
Whey’s amino acid profile best for building muscle in older men

Products that Support Anit-Aging:
Isagenix’s IsaLean Shakes and Bars – Grade 7 Whey Protein shown to support muscle growth and repair.  Have one shake for breakfast to get 23 g of protein.  Have another shake or IsaLean Protein bar after your workout to promote muscle recovery and growth.
Isagenix’s Ageless Actives – A perfect source for CoQ10 and Vitamin D.  Regardless of your age, you should be taking this supplement.  Athletes to elderly are using this for increased muscle strength and health.

Through the Wormhole 2: Can We Live Forever?

The 27th of July 2011, On Science, discovery Through the Wormhole 2: episode 8, the team is tackling the intriguing question on ‘can we life forever?’

domingo, 10 de julio de 2011

Inmortalidad, naturalmente

Emma Brennand
Última actualización: Lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

Viejos primates, almejas ancianas y medusas que nunca mueren revelan cómo algunas especies tratan de extender sus propios plazos de vida. Desde el momento en que se nacen, el reloj biológico comienza a marcar un inexorable conteo regresivo para cualquier bebé. Contenido relacionado * Las mariposas cierran sus alas cuando no quieren sexo * Evolución, sexo y los cuellos de los dinosaurios * Los enigmas detrás del sueño de los animales

Un estudio reciente, publicado en la Revista Ciencia, reveló que todos los primates -desde el hombre al mono- envejecen más o menos de la misma manera: tienen un alto riesgo de muerte en la infancia, uno menor en la adolescencia y un riesgo creciente de morir a medida que envejecen. Algunas especies han encontrado algunos trucos que les han ayudado a manejar el proceso de envejecimiento y a extender sus períodos de vida naturales. Así, logran vivir por cientos de años. Y unas pocas criaturas, a la luz de ciertas definiciones, se han transformado en inmortales. clic Vea el gráfico del promedio de vida de diversas especies. De pequeño a grande La mayor parte de nuestro conocimiento sobre la edad de las especies animales proviene de estudios relativos a las de corta vida, tales como las moscas de la fruta y los ratones. La investigación de laboratorio ha demostrado que alterando genes únicos se puede extender la vida de especies de gusanos y moscas de la fruta. Por ejemplo, hace dos años, los científicos de la Universidad de Brown, en Estados Unidos, duplicaron el promedio de vida de una mosca de la fruta de 35 a 70 días, mediante la alteración del gene indy, que reduce la producción de radicales libres. Pero incluso esto no iguala la capacidad de los animales salvajes y plantas para desarrollar una larga vida. En términos generales, los animales más grandes viven más que los pequeños. Como promedio, un ratón puede vivir dos años, mientras que la ballena de Groenlandia puede vivir unos 200 años. Estas diferencias se producen debido a una cantidad de diferencias fisiológicas, incluyendo las tasas de crecimiento y desarrollo, metabolismo y detalles de la composición del cuerpo. Sin embargo, algunas especies pueden dar pasos especiales, ya sea cambiando su comportamiento o fisiología, para vivir más tiempo de lo que lo harían de otro modo. Sin Sol Rata topo lampiña Crías de rata topo lampiña. Vive hasta 24 años Forma comunidades como las abejas, hormigas y termitas Cada colonia tiene un "roedor" reina que produce todas las crías El resto son ratas estériles colaboradoras que sirven a la colonia Son originarias de áreas áridas en todo el este de África La rata topo lampiña vive 5.3 veces más tiempo de lo previsto para el tamaño de su cuerpo, una hazaña que ha llamado la atención de los científicos en años recientes. No está claro cómo lo hacen, pero los estudios de la profesora Rochelle Buffenstein y sus colegas del Centro de Ciencia para la Salud, de la Universidad de Texas, indica que vivir bajo tierra ayuda. Eso puede contribuir a limitar la exposición del animal a la luz y ayuda a eliminar ciertos peligros que podrían costarles la vida a una edad menor. La vida comunal puede reducir sus posibilidades de morir, y además presentan un sistema inmunológico fuerte y no parecen desarrollan cáncer. Estos factores hacen que la mortalidad de la rata topo lampiña no aumente con la edad, lo que les permite desarrollar los genes de la longevidad, le dijo la profesora Buffenstein a la BBC. Siesta en la sombra. Otros animales también pasan la mayor parte de su vida en la oscuridad, incluyendo especies de murciélagos que pueden vivir por décadas. La reducción del tiempo que uno pasa al sol disminuye la exposición a la radiación ultravioleta El murciélago de Brandt Par de murciélagos El murciélago de Brandt puede vivir hasta los 41 años Los murciélagos macho generalmente viven más La hibernación le alarga la vida al murciélago en seis años Los murciélagos también pasan gran cantidad de tiempo en un estado de torpor (estado fisiológico caracterizado por una gran disminución de los niveles metabólicos y de la temperatura corporal, que puede ser diario, como en los colibríes y los murciélagos, o estacional, como en la hibernación de los osos). Sin embargo, los murciélagos hacen algo más que dormir para reducir el proceso de envejecimiento. El doctor Asish Chaudhuri, del Instituto para los Estudios de la Longevidad y el Envejecimiento Sam y Ann Barshop, de San Antonio, Texas, cree que la explicación subyace en la manera en que los murciélagos se protegen del daño proteico, utilizando moléculas especiales llamadas chaperonas de proteínas. "Las proteínas juegan un papel esencial en virtualmente toda función celular", le dijo el doctor Chaudhuri a la BBC. Las proteínas tienen una forma especial, y si pierden la forma, no funcionan del todo bien. Además, si se deforman "puede producirse la formación de agregados de proteínas tóxicos, a los que se asocia con el envejecimiento y las enfermedades relacionadas con la edad", afirma. Renovando lo viejo Y los murciélagos no son los únicos que se protegen del daño proteico. Los estudios de la langosta americana (Homarus americanus) han demostrado que su extrema longevidad puede estar relacionada con la secreción de telomerasa, la enzima responsable por la reparación de pequeñas secciones de ADN. Altas concentraciones de telomerasa se encuentran en células que necesitan dividirse regularmente, tales como órganos y células madre de embrión. El acceso a un suministro de telomerasa elevado equiparía a este crustáceo con la capacidad para reconstruir las células desgastadas por el envejecimento. La habilidad para reparar células de esta manera puede explicar por qué las langostas pueden vivir hasta cien años y tienen la capacidad de desarrollar nuevos miembros, incluso cuando son de edad avanzada. Contra los radicales libres Almejas islándicas Las almejas islándicas pueden vivir hasta 400 años. Una teoría alternativa propone que los ataques de los radicales libres pueden ser la principal causa del envejecimiento. Otro residente oceánico, la almeja islándica, es descrita como uno de los más longevos metazoos conocidos. Un reciente estudio, llevado a cabo por el doctor Iain Ridgway de la Universidad de Bangor, de este antiguo molusco que vive más de 400 años, demuestra que tiene una mayor resistencia a la oxidación generada por el estrés. No obstante, "las razones para la excepcional longevidad de la almeja islándica podrían no tener nada que ver con la resistencia al estrés oxidativo (un tipo particular de estrés químico inducido por la presencia de elevadas cantidades de compuestos peligrosos llamados radicales libres)", le dijo a la BBC el doctor Ridgway. En vez de eso, como ocurre con la rata topo lampiña, puede ser que la integridad de las proteínas del animal sea la clave, en vez de los dañinos radicales libres o los antioxidantes utilizados para defenderse contra ellos.
Colonia clonal
Las plantas pueden incluso ser más capaces de conseguir la longevidad extrema. El árbol más viejo del Reino Unido es un antiguo tejo cuya edad oscila entre los 4.000 y 5.000 años. Algunas especies también se benefician de la vida en grupo. Ciertos árboles, por ejemplo, están interconectados bajo tierra por medio de un complejo sistema de raíces. Uno de estos árboles grupales, conocido como pando, o álamo temblón del altiplano del Colorado, tiene un sistema de raíces vivas que se estiman en más de 80.000 años. El enorme sistema de raíces que alimenta a la colonia de álamos temblones les permite soportar los frecuentes incendios forestales y almacenar vitales cantidades de agua y nutrientes para un crecimiento sostenido, y llegar a madurar. Versión más joven La medusa (Turritopsis dohrnii) Medusa. Los hidrozoos pueden ser pequeños animales que existen como pólipos, ya sea en forma individual o en una colonia Una medusa es la fase reproductiva del pólipo, que libera huevos y esperma Los huevos fertilizados se transforman en larvas y se apostan en el lecho marino, transformándose en pólipos. Los pólipos se reproducen de manera asexual, produciendo una nueva colonia de medusas. Pero no es un residente en la tierra el que parece haber conquistado la eterna juventud. El secreto de la inmortalidad puede que se halle bajo las olas del mar. El hidrozoo Turriptosis dornii tiene un ciclo de vida que le permite retroceder hacia un estadio anterior de su desarrollo, esencialmente hacia una reversión del proceso de envejecimiento. "La medusa normal muere tras la reproducción. La medusa Turriptosis dohrnii, sin embargo, cuando enfrenta condiciones adversas tales como lesiones físicas o falta de alimento, en vez de morir, se hunde hasta el fondo del mar", explica la doctora María Pía Miglietta, bióloga marina de la Universidad de Notre Dame, Indiana, Estados Unidos. "Se tornan en una bola de células, reordenan sus células por medio transdiferenciación y se convierten en un nuevo pólipo. El nuevo pólipo, a su vez, puede producir otros pólipos y formar una colonia". Durante la estación apropiada, la nueva colonia producirá varias medusas nuevas y así recomienza la vida del inmortal.

Promedio de vida de diversas especies Gráfico del promedio de vida de diferentes especies

Documental- Camino a la Inmortalidad

14 oct 2010 "Camino a la Inmortalidad" es un documental que recorre diversas investigaciones científicas sobre envejecimiento que se están llevando a cabo en España. Los biólogos moleculares María Blasco y Manuel Serrano nos cuentan cómo han conseguido crear a "Triple", un ratón transgénico que vive un 40% más de lo normal. Gustavo Barja nos relata sus descubrimientos respecto a la importancia de la dieta para la longevidad. José Viña presenta un estudio sobre los genes de personas centenarias. Carlos López Otín nos habla de la vejez más dura, la precoz o progeria y reflexiona sobre lo que él denomina la "armonía molecular", una receta de felicidad natural para el hombre, animal vulnerable y de momento, mortal.

jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

La Tierra Hueca

Supongo que algunos habreis oido hablar de estas ocultas y sorprendentes realidades… que pululan abierta y libremente por internet…pero que apenas logran su espacio visible en los medios de comunicación de masas… y es curioso que habiendo alcanzado tan extensa relevancia en la red… no tengan mayor espacio en los medios oficiales, aunque solo sea para ridiculizarlos… y el motivo, me barrunto yo, es que su difusión despierta en nosotros irremediablemente una lógica hasta ahora desconocida… que por mucho que se pretenda menospreciar por medio de la desinformación… deja una huella en nuestro sentido y percepción interno… imborrable…que tarde o temprano surge a la consciencia con plena lucidez… por ello el más efectivo ataque contra la verdad sigue siendo la total censura… a pesar de las retorcidas técnicas desinformativas desarrolladas por las actuales fuerzas de poder… de entre todas estas teorías la más sorprendente es la “realidad de la tierra hueca”… que algunos han llamado “la madre de todas las conspiraciones”… el que desee una explicación científica de esta realidad… que no solo es característica de nuestra tierra… sino de todos los planetas del universo… verá satisfecha su hambre de sabiduria con el fantástico libro de Eduardo Elías…y que podeis encontrar en esta direccion: tiene que ver mucho esta verdad con el tema que nos une en este sitio… el de la inmortalidad física… pues se dice que la luz que emite el sol central, dentro de la tierra hueca… es mucho más apta y propicia no solo para el surgimiento y desarrollo de todo tipo de vida, sino para el logro de una gran longevidad llena de salud y juventud de forma naturales… sin compartir al pie de la letra lo dicho Por Dianne Robbins, pues posiblemente la imagen de este mundo intraterreno no sea tan bucólica como ella pinta, por lo menos en todos los mundos…sirve mucho como referencia a lo dicho sobre lo especial del ambiente y luz del espacio intraterrestre… “Estos mensajes son de personas que realmente viven dentro de la Tierra Hueca, y traen a la vida toda la investigación que he hecho y los libros que he publicado.” Timothy Green Beckley, Presidente de Global Communications. “Hay más en este planeta que lo que se pueda ver. Este libro tiene una descripción de un mundo dentro de un mundo, del cual hablan autores como John Uri Lloyd, Raymond Bernard, John Cleves Symmes, and Edgar Rice Burroughs . En los mensajes de este libro, la descripción de este mundo proviene de aquellos que saben más de los que realmente viven allí”. BRANTON, Investigador de Tierra Hueca. Hasta no hace mucho, la humanidad creía que la tierra era chata y que el sol giraba a su alrededor. La Humanidad estaba tan segura de esto que llegó a ser un hecho establecido. Cuando Galileo presentó evidencia que probaba que la Tierra giraba alrededor del Sol, no sólo fue ridiculizado si no también encarcelado por estar sus hallazgos tan radicalmente apartados del pensamiento aceptado. Hoy día existe una situación similar con la nueva revelación de que la Tierra es HUECA en su centro. Los Investigadores de Tierra Hueca* han presentado evidencia basada en su investigación de cómo son formados los planetas, y que nuestra Tierra no es Sólida como nuestros libros de textos nos enseñaron a creer. Este libro trata acerca de la mayor revelación en la historia que declara que no solo es Hueco el centro de la Tierra, sino que es habitado por seres altamente evolucionados que están comunicándonos su existencia. Explicación Acerca de Nuestra Tierra Hueca ¡ No sólo nuestra tierra, sino todos los planetas son huecos! Los planetas son formados por gases calientes arrojados desde un sol hacia una órbita, y la cáscara de los planetas se forma por gravedad y las fuerzas centrífugas. LOS POLOS PERMANECEN ABIERTOS y conducen a su interior hueco. Este proceso forma una esfera hueca con un Sol Interior, de color esfumado, que emana un suave y placentero espectro de luz, haciendo a la superficie interna altamente propicia al crecimiento de vegetación y vida humana, donde hay sólo un día muy largo, y sin noches. Los SERES DE LA TIERRA HUECA son muy evolucionados espiritualmente y son tecnológicamente avanzados, viviendo dentro del centro interior de nuestra Tierra Hueca. Estas civilizaciones avanzadas contienen un Sol Central Interior, con océanos y montañas aún en su estado prístino. La cavidad de la Tierra Hueca está aún en su estado prístino porque no caminan ni edifican sobre la tierra. No hay edificios, centros de compras, ni autopistas. Viajan en vehículos electromagnéticos que se levitan unas pulgadas sobre el suelo. Caminan por arroyos, ríos, océanos y trepan montañas pero hasta allí llega el contacto entre el suelo y sus pies. Dejan el resto de su tierra a la naturaleza, porque la tierra también es de ella. La ciudad gobernante dentro de Tierra Hueca se llama Shamballa. Está ubicada dentro del centro del planeta, se puede acceder a ella por las aperturas de los polos Norte o Sur. La Luces del Norte y del Sur que vemos en nuestros cielos son en realidad los reflejos de nuestro Sol Central en el Interior de la Tierra Hueca, que emanan de su centro hueco. Ellos usan energía gratuita para iluminar sus ciudades, hogares y túneles. Utilizan cristales, junto con el electromagnetismo, lo que genera un pequeño sol con un espectro completo de luz que dura por medio millón de años y les da toda la energía que necesitan. La corteza de la tierra mide aproximadamente 800 millas desde la superficie exterior hasta la interior. Dado que nuestra Tierra es hueca, y no una esfera sólida, el centro de gravedad no está en el centro de la Tierra, si no en el centro de su corteza, que está a 400 millas por debajo de su superficie. La fuente del campo magnético de la Tierra ha sido un misterio. El Sol Central en el centro de la Tierra es una fuente misteriosa de energía detrás del campo magnético de la Tierra. Hay entradas hacia las cavernas por toda la Tierra, donde pueden ocurrir interacciones. Sólo algunas están abiertas en la actualidad. Nikola Tesla, el genio inventor de la tecnología eléctrica, ahora vive dentro de la Tierra Hueca. Él comenzó a recibir información en la última parte de 1800. Y descubrió que la energía eléctrica está presente en todas partes en cantidades ilimitadas y puede hacer funcionar a las maquinarias del mundo sin la necesidad de utilizar carbón, petróleo o ningún otro combustible común. En los 1930 las entradas de los túneles y pasajes fueron cerradas por las civilizaciones de la Tierra Hueca porque las corporaciones en ese tiempo estaban haciendo mal uso de la tecnología Tesla para poder entrar a la Tierra Interna. Los dos portales principales de la Tierra Hueca son los Agujeros en los Polos, que se cerraron en el año 2000 porque nuestros gobiernos estaban colocando detonaciones en los polos para dinamitar las entradas a su mundo. Han instalado un campo de fuerza magnética alrededor de las aperturas polares de la Tierra para camuflar aún más las entradas. De esta manera, las aperturas están protegidas de miras aéreas y terrestres. En el pasado había entradas a la biblioteca de Portólogos en la superficie. Una entrada tal era la biblioteca de Alejandría, que fue destruida por el fuego en 642 D.C. Hay mayor cantidad de masa terrestre dentro de la tierra (3/4 tierra y ¼ agua) y su tierra es más compacta que la nuestra. Todo dentro de la Tierra Hueca está cuidadosamente mantenido para equilibrar el sistema ecológico de todas las formas de vida que residen allí. Hay varios millones de Catharians viviendo en la Tierra Hueca en la actualidad. Hay Catharians que han encarnado como humanos en la superficie. También hay Catharians que viven en el planeta Júpiter. El Catharian más alto mide 23 pies. 36,000 humanos de nuestra superficie se fueron a vivir dentro de la Tierra. En los últimos 200 años aproximadamente 50 humanos de la superficie entraron a vivir allí. En los últimos 20 años sólo 8 fueron a vivir adentro. Dianne Robbins Email: conviene también leer un poco de la historia de esta historia… y para ello nada mejor que la página de Tito Martínez, con el que no comparto puntos de vista pero al que le tengo que reconocer una clarísima percepción de las realidades ocultas… algún dia cambiará totalmente de bando… lo sé… pues no es posible mantener esta claridad de visión sin lograr también la pureza interior…

Tierra hueca…

Tierra hueca…

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

David Wilcock: 2012 DNA Upgrade

Inmortal human Body is part of Ascension Process


by Crystalai
The body can now move completely into the chemical realignment of a silicon based structure, telepathic communication, manifestation, co-creation. It is time for the immortal man to appear on earth.
Each individual can now harmoniously and completely align with all of the frequencies in the five spheres of this matrix which places the temple in alignment with pure immortality. This is the true meaning of ascension. It isn't a place, and it doesn't matter which dimension we go to at this time. The true template of each entity on this earth was originally intended to have the body of immortality. That body can and will rise into different dimensions, but it can be just as perfect in this dimension as in any other dimension. This Earth is already in the fifth dimension. Our bodies have not yet raised their frequencies into the memory of what the fifth is and therefore don't realize its presence.
We have all been going through levels of activation of ascension. There will be 12 levels to complete the return of our true Divine Blueprint. We know we are achieving these levels of activation by the periods of painful alignment we have been feeling. We went through stages where the back ached because our kathara grids of our original template were being realigned. We went through stages of pain coming out because miasms were being removed from the body. Most recently we have been going through stages of headaches and pain at the base of the eye lobe.
This pain is caused by the third eye actually becoming activated and growing where our pineal gland used to be. The eyes are presently mutated into a state where they have very limited currents coming through from Divine Mind. The core domains of our consciousness – the etheric self has been shut off from our physical self for eons. The light body and the sound body have been disconnected.
As we go through stages of ascension these miasms are being removed and the three eyes become activated by realigning of the core currents of our light body in the third eye. Gradually our divine vision of co-creation will be completely restored. The pain is only felt during the beginning stages of activation. When there are twelve stages completed, we will have God Source Vision. These levels of activation can be seen as blue rings in the eyes. The number of rings that you see between your iris and pupil and the iris and the white of the eye is how many levels you have activated.
The level of ascension activation can also be measured by the quality of the voice. The more etheric the voice becomes, the more levels of ascension have been completed. The voice will lighten up, the heavier darker frequencies and the throaty sounds will dissolve.
Our visionary structure is actually built from three eyes. The god eye, the spiritual eye and the material eye. There are supposed to be many energies working within these three eyes to spark open the third eye when the two eyes ignite.
When this sparking and igniting takes place, there are spheres of energy like movie screens projecting the god world.
When we receive our 8 cells that were supposed to be in our third eye, we will regain our spiritual vision. Our Ekashic records are in the eye of god- the third eye. The hall of records is the cluster of the eight cells. This original divine blue print that was distorted into six cells by the fallen angelics and passed down in our bodies as the 666. We are not fallen angels, we are angelic humans who had our divinity mutated.
This eight cell restoration is taking place in our head, in our heart and in the bottom of our back bone.
The electromagnetic frequency draws together as one the light and sound bodies into one on a horizontal axis of the eye of God and this alignment is zero point. The spiritual and the material become one. The zero point alignment opens a birthing chamber that runs through our bodies on a horizontal axis. This aligns us in the Cosmic Structure. The two eyes spark and send the spark back to creation point. This starts the opening of the birthing chamber and starts the formation of the hara christa chamber. When the eyes phase, they begin opening a birthing chamber that literally opens to source field directly the continuous re-birth of Christ Consciousness and immortality.
Our eyes actually connect their lense and make a triangle back to source through the third eye. The lense that we are supposed to see through is the eye of God. Once this mutation is removed from our pineal and replaced with the 8 cell lense, we will once again see with the eyes of God.
We will then be making God’s move regardless of which planet or dimension we are standing on.
There would be natural configurations coming out of the eye, if it weren’t for the mutation that was placed there. The configurations will come out and project in front of you into the big spherical movie screen that you walk around in. The currents go out from the eyes, but also from the charkas. They run the spheres and then split the spheres into different directions and then return to you as a three dimensional hologram. The eye balls give a visual type of sensory experience but it is really electromagnetic signals that were picking up so it’s a very different reality than it appears to be. Once you get out of it you can really appreciate it for what a neat experience it is to be a physically.
Once you get out you realize what a cool experience it is to touch and feel things that you have actually just created as holograms from the eyes. From the perspective of other dimensions, it makes no sense to have to open a door. You just know that the door is an energy field and you make your own energy field smaller than the space between the molecules. That is common knowledge in most dimensions.
The eyes are supposed to transmute the currents of the cosmic eyes down into the smaller levels of creation and down into the elementals that live within them. The Cosmic eye of the Earth was shut off from a series of mutations placed in the Earth’s Grids. Now the Cosmic eyes have been reconnected to the Earth and will be returned to the part of the New Earth that can become free from those mutations.
Everything we see in this third dimensional matrix is created by angular rotation of particle spin. This is the hologram that is in our vision spectrum at this time. When we activate the crystal bands around our bodies and around us in consciousness connecting to all of the spherical bands of the planetary, galactical, solar and cosmic levels we de-activate the polarization that was placed in our system through mutations.
The frequencies used to activate these spherical bands are contained in our consciousness and are called the music of the spheres. We remove the polarization or separation of the light body and the sound body by reconnecting our consciousness as frequencies to these fifteen spheres as we lift out consciousness in oscillation rhythm with those higher dimensions. We must become the same standing wave pattern as each of these spheres. We become that in the frequency of consciousness that can be felt in our breath and our voice when we align consciously. This singing of the music of the spheres is what creates ascension.
As we spiritualize our lower density level it changes angular rotation of particle spin or frequency of oscillation. The shift in consciousness determines what reality field we can see as manifest and what we don’t.
Everyone will soon regain their 12 levels of activation. However, each individual must align consciousness with higher dimensions to gain access to that reality field. Some will eventually gain 36 levels and 48 levels. These levels of activation are achieved because that was the dimension the identity came to the earth from. Some of us came from the 13th or 15th dimension. Some of us came from the 5th dimension. One isn’t any better than another. The fifth dimension is actually everyone’s home base. The other dimensions are higher activations stations for what is going on at the home base. We utilize our higher levels of our selves from other dimensions to bring the best of the best into the fifth dimension. We connect to all of our levels of consciousness. We learn to communicate and travel to the place where all of our selves already are. We simply become one with all that we are.
Crystalai is now being guided by Goddess Hathor along with a teach of her angels, Zadkiel's elementals and a host of entities from the fifth sphere of co-manifestation, to create individual CD's for activated memory of the crystal cells in the body. Each individual can now harmoniously and completely align with all of the frequencies in the five spheres of this matrix which places the temple in alignment with pure immortality. This is the true meaning of ascension. It isn't a place, and it doesn't matter which dimension we go to at this time. The true template of each entity on this earth was originally intended to have the body of immortality. That body can and will rise into different dimensions, but it can be just as perfect in this dimension as in any other dimension. This Earth is already in the fifth dimension. Our bodies have not yet raised their frequencies into the memory of what the fifth is and therefore don't realize its presence.