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domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

Physical Inmortality: Two Powerfull Words


by Leonard Orr

A mind expanded by a new idea can never return to its former size. Two common words in everyone’s vocabulary when combined into one idea become one of the most powerful ideas in the universe. Physical is a very common word. Immortality is also a common word. When you combine them, you get the idea of physical immortality. I’ve been exposing people to the idea of physical immortality for over 30 years.
Physical immortality means victory over physical death. It means body and mind mastery. Our Spirit is already an immortal master. This simple thought of physical immortality makes us realize that although death may be popular, it is not inevitable. Physical death is optional. The whole purpose of Jesus Christ was to teach us this. But Jesus was not the first nor the last human to conquer death. The Hebrew Bible is about five main immortal humans: Elijah, Moses, Melchizadek, and Enoch. In the beginning of Bible history, everyone lived 500 to 1000 years. India has its immortal yogis. Every continent has its favorite immortals, including native Americans. I’ve made this one of my favorite research projects for 37 years. Why do Christians die? Why? If Jesus died to save us from sin and death?
The founders and heroes and heroines of most religions who conquered death do not have a local address on planet Earth. When I learned about the immortal yogis who do, I was so excited I couldn’t wait to meet them. Since my first trip to India in 1977, I have met over 8 immortals who each have maintained their body for at least 300 years. People have to be at least 300 to qualify for my research. I know of many more that I haven’t had a chance to meet yet.
I’ve met several who are over 2000. These are yogis who have maintained a local address on planet Earth for over 2000 years. I’ve written books about two of them: Babaji and Bhartriji. People often tell me that after my lecture or book in which the idea of physical immortality got their attention, they couldn’t stop thinking about it for several years. It makes so much sense. How could people be blinded by the death is inevitable belief system for so long?
After teaching the truth about physical immortality for over 30 years, I’ve concluded that the reason people don’t like to know about it is because it I involves a little spiritual work and personal changes. Physical immortality is the natural result of a mind filled with wisdom and aliveness.
The three basic causes of death are:
  1. ignorance
  2. emotional energy pollution
  3. poor diet.
Therefore, to master death you have to do three things:
  1. Master the idea of physical immortality, which involves living from Spirit, our natural divinity.
  2. Unravel our own death urge, which we received from our parents and encourage all the people in our environment to do the same. Learn how to keep our energy body & emotional mind clean and balanced through spiritual purification practices.
  3. Learn the power of nutrition and fasting and the other simple and pleasurable habits that give us body mastery. Becoming a vegetarian is basic!
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