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miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

Forever Young

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

David Wilcock: 2012 DNA Upgrade

Inmortal human Body is part of Ascension Process


by Crystalai
The body can now move completely into the chemical realignment of a silicon based structure, telepathic communication, manifestation, co-creation. It is time for the immortal man to appear on earth.
Each individual can now harmoniously and completely align with all of the frequencies in the five spheres of this matrix which places the temple in alignment with pure immortality. This is the true meaning of ascension. It isn't a place, and it doesn't matter which dimension we go to at this time. The true template of each entity on this earth was originally intended to have the body of immortality. That body can and will rise into different dimensions, but it can be just as perfect in this dimension as in any other dimension. This Earth is already in the fifth dimension. Our bodies have not yet raised their frequencies into the memory of what the fifth is and therefore don't realize its presence.
We have all been going through levels of activation of ascension. There will be 12 levels to complete the return of our true Divine Blueprint. We know we are achieving these levels of activation by the periods of painful alignment we have been feeling. We went through stages where the back ached because our kathara grids of our original template were being realigned. We went through stages of pain coming out because miasms were being removed from the body. Most recently we have been going through stages of headaches and pain at the base of the eye lobe.
This pain is caused by the third eye actually becoming activated and growing where our pineal gland used to be. The eyes are presently mutated into a state where they have very limited currents coming through from Divine Mind. The core domains of our consciousness – the etheric self has been shut off from our physical self for eons. The light body and the sound body have been disconnected.
As we go through stages of ascension these miasms are being removed and the three eyes become activated by realigning of the core currents of our light body in the third eye. Gradually our divine vision of co-creation will be completely restored. The pain is only felt during the beginning stages of activation. When there are twelve stages completed, we will have God Source Vision. These levels of activation can be seen as blue rings in the eyes. The number of rings that you see between your iris and pupil and the iris and the white of the eye is how many levels you have activated.
The level of ascension activation can also be measured by the quality of the voice. The more etheric the voice becomes, the more levels of ascension have been completed. The voice will lighten up, the heavier darker frequencies and the throaty sounds will dissolve.
Our visionary structure is actually built from three eyes. The god eye, the spiritual eye and the material eye. There are supposed to be many energies working within these three eyes to spark open the third eye when the two eyes ignite.
When this sparking and igniting takes place, there are spheres of energy like movie screens projecting the god world.
When we receive our 8 cells that were supposed to be in our third eye, we will regain our spiritual vision. Our Ekashic records are in the eye of god- the third eye. The hall of records is the cluster of the eight cells. This original divine blue print that was distorted into six cells by the fallen angelics and passed down in our bodies as the 666. We are not fallen angels, we are angelic humans who had our divinity mutated.
This eight cell restoration is taking place in our head, in our heart and in the bottom of our back bone.
The electromagnetic frequency draws together as one the light and sound bodies into one on a horizontal axis of the eye of God and this alignment is zero point. The spiritual and the material become one. The zero point alignment opens a birthing chamber that runs through our bodies on a horizontal axis. This aligns us in the Cosmic Structure. The two eyes spark and send the spark back to creation point. This starts the opening of the birthing chamber and starts the formation of the hara christa chamber. When the eyes phase, they begin opening a birthing chamber that literally opens to source field directly the continuous re-birth of Christ Consciousness and immortality.
Our eyes actually connect their lense and make a triangle back to source through the third eye. The lense that we are supposed to see through is the eye of God. Once this mutation is removed from our pineal and replaced with the 8 cell lense, we will once again see with the eyes of God.
We will then be making God’s move regardless of which planet or dimension we are standing on.
There would be natural configurations coming out of the eye, if it weren’t for the mutation that was placed there. The configurations will come out and project in front of you into the big spherical movie screen that you walk around in. The currents go out from the eyes, but also from the charkas. They run the spheres and then split the spheres into different directions and then return to you as a three dimensional hologram. The eye balls give a visual type of sensory experience but it is really electromagnetic signals that were picking up so it’s a very different reality than it appears to be. Once you get out of it you can really appreciate it for what a neat experience it is to be a physically.
Once you get out you realize what a cool experience it is to touch and feel things that you have actually just created as holograms from the eyes. From the perspective of other dimensions, it makes no sense to have to open a door. You just know that the door is an energy field and you make your own energy field smaller than the space between the molecules. That is common knowledge in most dimensions.
The eyes are supposed to transmute the currents of the cosmic eyes down into the smaller levels of creation and down into the elementals that live within them. The Cosmic eye of the Earth was shut off from a series of mutations placed in the Earth’s Grids. Now the Cosmic eyes have been reconnected to the Earth and will be returned to the part of the New Earth that can become free from those mutations.
Everything we see in this third dimensional matrix is created by angular rotation of particle spin. This is the hologram that is in our vision spectrum at this time. When we activate the crystal bands around our bodies and around us in consciousness connecting to all of the spherical bands of the planetary, galactical, solar and cosmic levels we de-activate the polarization that was placed in our system through mutations.
The frequencies used to activate these spherical bands are contained in our consciousness and are called the music of the spheres. We remove the polarization or separation of the light body and the sound body by reconnecting our consciousness as frequencies to these fifteen spheres as we lift out consciousness in oscillation rhythm with those higher dimensions. We must become the same standing wave pattern as each of these spheres. We become that in the frequency of consciousness that can be felt in our breath and our voice when we align consciously. This singing of the music of the spheres is what creates ascension.
As we spiritualize our lower density level it changes angular rotation of particle spin or frequency of oscillation. The shift in consciousness determines what reality field we can see as manifest and what we don’t.
Everyone will soon regain their 12 levels of activation. However, each individual must align consciousness with higher dimensions to gain access to that reality field. Some will eventually gain 36 levels and 48 levels. These levels of activation are achieved because that was the dimension the identity came to the earth from. Some of us came from the 13th or 15th dimension. Some of us came from the 5th dimension. One isn’t any better than another. The fifth dimension is actually everyone’s home base. The other dimensions are higher activations stations for what is going on at the home base. We utilize our higher levels of our selves from other dimensions to bring the best of the best into the fifth dimension. We connect to all of our levels of consciousness. We learn to communicate and travel to the place where all of our selves already are. We simply become one with all that we are.
Crystalai is now being guided by Goddess Hathor along with a teach of her angels, Zadkiel's elementals and a host of entities from the fifth sphere of co-manifestation, to create individual CD's for activated memory of the crystal cells in the body. Each individual can now harmoniously and completely align with all of the frequencies in the five spheres of this matrix which places the temple in alignment with pure immortality. This is the true meaning of ascension. It isn't a place, and it doesn't matter which dimension we go to at this time. The true template of each entity on this earth was originally intended to have the body of immortality. That body can and will rise into different dimensions, but it can be just as perfect in this dimension as in any other dimension. This Earth is already in the fifth dimension. Our bodies have not yet raised their frequencies into the memory of what the fifth is and therefore don't realize its presence.

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2011

What's to COME by Ray Kurzweil

El futurista visionario Ray Kurzweil nos habla en este video breve sobre que viene para el futuro.

martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

Video recomendado sobre el tema en el enlace de PBS. Muy interesante.

Neil deGrasse Tyson takes on the question, "Can We Live Forever?", in this 1-hour scienceNOW episode from Nova on PBS. The web episode is free to watch. Topics covered include (spoilers):

- Suspended Animation
- Replacing Body Parts like a Car
- Growing Organs in Labs
- Virtual Immortality
- The FOXO Gene

Kurzweil: 3 Supplements To Let You Live Until The Singularity

The future could be a paradise of technological wonders, but you’ll (probably) need to keep yourself alive for decades in order to enjoy all it has to offer. Ray Kurzweil, inventor, author, and futurist, predicts that The Singularity is coming in 2045 and he plans on living long enough to see it. No mean feat considering he’ll be 97 at the time. In order to survive to know whether his predictions come true, Kurzweil takes 150 pills a day, some 70 to 80 different substances that “radically reprogram [his] body’s biochemistry.” In a recent interview on BigThink, Kurzweil explained what he thought were the three most important supplements on that list. Check out the brief video below. Spoiler alert: the substances are coenzyme Q10, phosphatidylcholine, and vitamin D.
Health supplements are tricky. While many have interesting and reputable scientific studies that suggest they can help us live longer and healthier lives, it can take years and millions of dollars to verify such results to a point where there is consensus in the medical community about their benefits. Coenzyme Q10, a powerful antioxidant, and Phosphatidylcholine, a substance in cell membranes we tend to lose as we age, are certainly valuable to the body and play key roles in cell chemistry. Like so many other health supplements these substances can be found in many foods or produced in the body as a result of a healthy diet. However, as Kurzweil explains in Transcend, his book on the subject, many of us may not be getting the necessary amounts to actually improve our health. Kurzweil will sell you these supplements, by the way, in case you agree with his assessment.
The debate about dietary intake and supplementation is ongoing and can get quite contentions. This is clear in the case of vitamin D. In the past decade it’s become one of the most lauded health supplements out there, linked to reduce instances of cancer and heart disease, as well as many other benefits. Some nutritionists estimate that more than a billion of us aren’t getting enough vitamin D. Others contend that those nutritionists are setting their estimates of the amount of vitamin D the body needs much too high. The US government is going to spend millions of dollars and years of research trying to end the debate once and for all with their VITAL study. It will probably take just as much work, if not more, to come to finalized conclusions for all 70 to 80 substances that Kurzweil takes.
What should you do in the meantime? I’m not quite sure myself. There are some years when I’m adamant about daily vitamin regimens, and then I go whole months without taking anything at all. It’s hard to decide on which supplements to take when most are supposed to work by giving you negative findings (no cancer, no heart attacks, etc) and only after taking the pills for decades! I find it much easier to stick to healthy living patterns (eat better, exercise more, stress less) than to worry about health supplements. But you know, I’d only be 64 when 2045 rolls around, so my chances of making it that far are pretty good already. For those of you with more at stake – supplement as you see fit. If they don’t work, most of these pills won’t hurt you anywhere but your wallet. If they do work…well hopefully we’ll all be around to see what the future holds. The Singularity or just better music, either way I’m game.
[screen capture and video credits: BigThink]
[source: BigThink]